
In the fast-paced world of modern business, document approval processes are paramount. These processes, which encompass the review, modification, and finalization of documents, are critical in ensuring that business operations run smoothly and adhere to necessary compliance standards. These processes impact everything from internal communications and contract negotiations to financial reporting and project management.

Traditionally, document approval involved a time-consuming series of manual hand-offs, where physical documents were circulated among relevant parties for review and sign-off. This method, while straightforward, was fraught with inefficiencies—delays due to miscommunication, lost paperwork, and a lack of traceability were common issues. In today’s digital-first environment, where speed and accuracy are essential, these manual processes have become increasingly untenable.

Enter the age of workflow automation, exemplified by platforms like Nanonets Workflows. These tools are revolutionizing how businesses handle automated and almost touch-less document approvals by automating the flow of documents through predefined processes.

We will discuss all of the above in our blog, but first let’s understand theses document approval processes and what they entail.

Understanding Document Approval Processes

Document approval is a critical business process involving the review, verification, and authorization of documents before they are finalized and put into effect. This process is fundamental across various sectors and for a multitude of document types, including contracts, proposals, financial reports, and policy documents. The primary purpose of document approval is to ensure that all documents are accurate, complete, and in compliance with established standards and regulations.

They serve a variety of purposes –

  • It serves as a quality control mechanism, guaranteeing that the content of the document is correct and meets the necessary approval criteria set by the organization.
  • Document approval processes are indispensable for maintaining operational integrity, ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, and safeguarding against errors that could lead to financial losses or legal liabilities.
  • They also play a crucial role in facilitating effective communication and collaboration within and between organizations.

Manual Document Approval Process

The traditional approach to document approval is manual, often involving physical documents passed from one approver to another.

A classic example of a workflow that is often conducted manually in many organizations is the employee onboarding process. This process involves several steps to integrate a new employee into the company. Here’s a detailed breakdown of each step:

  1. Job Offer and Acceptance
    • Action: HR sends a job offer to the candidate.
    • Process: The offer is typically sent via email or post and includes details about the position, salary, and start date.
    • Response: The candidate accepts the offer and sends a signed copy of the offer letter back to HR.
  2. Preparation of Onboarding Documents
    • Action: HR prepares onboarding documents like contracts, company policies, tax forms, etc.
    • Process: These documents are often printed and compiled into an onboarding pack.
    • Response: The new employee is required to read, sign, and return these documents.
  3. Setting up Workstation
    • Action: IT department sets up a workstation for the new employee.
    • Process: This includes allocating a computer, setting up email accounts, and providing access to necessary software and networks.
    • Response: The new employee’s workspace is ready before their start date.
  4. Introduction to the Team
    • Action: HR or the hiring manager introduces the new employee to their team.
    • Process: This could be through a scheduled meeting or an informal team gathering.
    • Response: Team members welcome the new employee and may provide an overview of ongoing projects.
  5. Orientation and Training
    • Action: HR or a designated trainer conducts orientation sessions.
    • Process: These sessions include company history, culture, policies, and job-specific training.
    • Response: The new employee attends these sessions to understand their role and the company better.
  6. Probationary Period Review
    • Action: HR and the employee’s direct manager review the employee’s performance.
    • Process: This usually happens after a set period (e.g., 3 or 6 months) and involves a formal meeting and feedback session.
    • Response: Feedback is given to the employee, and a decision is made about their continued employment.
  7. Completion of Onboarding
    • Action: Official completion of the onboarding process.
    • Process: This often involves a final meeting with HR to ensure all paperwork is completed and any outstanding issues are addressed.
    • Response: The employee is now fully integrated into the company.

In a manual onboarding process, each step requires significant human intervention, from preparing and handling physical documents to scheduling and conducting in-person meetings. While effective, it can be time-consuming and prone to errors, such as delays in document processing or miscommunication. Automation of such processes can significantly streamline these tasks, making them more efficient and less prone to errors.

Automated Document Approval Process

Automated document approval workflows represent a paradigm shift from the manual approach. By leveraging technology, businesses can overcome the limitations of traditional methods, enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and security.

Transforming the manual employee onboarding process into an automated workflow using Nanonets Workflows can greatly enhance efficiency and accuracy. In this scenario, various apps are integrated into Zaps (automated workflows in Zapier) to streamline each step. Here’s how it can be structured:

  1. Job Offer and Acceptance
    • Trigger: HR updates the status to “Offer Accepted” on Workable.
    • Action: Gmail sends an automated email with the job offer and digital signing instructions using DocuSign.
  2. Preparation of Onboarding Documents
    • Trigger: Candidate signs offer letter on Docusign.
    • Action: Google Drive folder is created, and the compiled onboarding documents are sent automatically. Also, a Google Form is sent alongside to input the start date.
  3. Setting up Workstation
    • Trigger: Confirmation of start date via Google Forms submission.
    • Action: Slack notification to the IT department to set up a workstation.
  4. Introduction to the Team
    • Trigger: One week before the start date.
    • Action: Google Calendar schedules a team introduction meeting on the calendar.
  5. Orientation and Training
    • Trigger: Employee’s first day.
    • Action: Gmail sends an email with orientation schedule and relevant training resources fetched from Notion based on the job role.
  6. Probationary Period Review
    • Trigger: End of the probationary period.
    • Action: Google Calendar schedules a performance review meeting and sends reminders. You can alternatively use HR tools like BambooHR to do the same thing.
  7. Completion of Onboarding
    • Trigger: Approved completion of the probationary period review.
    • Action: Gmail sends a completion of onboarding confirmation and SurveyMonkey link for feedback.

In this automated workflow, each step of the onboarding process is linked through triggers and actions across various apps. This ensures that tasks are executed in touch-less manner without manual intervention, reducing the chances of errors and delays. Automating these processes not only saves time but also enhances the new employee’s experience by providing timely and consistent communication and resources.

Create automated document approval workflows using Nanonets and reduce manual tasks.

Need for Efficient Document Approval Workflows

Inefficiencies in document approval processes can create significant bottlenecks in business operations. Delayed approvals lead to stalled projects, missed opportunities, and can negatively impact client relationships. In critical areas like finance or legal, delays can result in non-compliance with regulations and financial penalties. Moreover, inefficient workflows often lead to repeated work, increased operational costs, and employee frustration, affecting overall productivity and morale.

These inefficiencies crop up in a variety of industries –

Construction: Approval delays in project plans or architectural drawings can push back construction schedules, impacting deadlines and costs.Healthcare: Patient care plans or medical reports require timely approvals to ensure prompt treatment and adherence to healthcare regulations.Finance: In banking, loan or investment approvals need to be swift to capitalize on market opportunities and meet client expectations.Education: Curriculum changes or grant approvals must be processed efficiently to align with academic calendars and funding cycles.Government: Policy documents or regulatory approvals need to be expedited to meet legislative timelines and public service commitments.

Key Elements of Document Approval Workflows

In establishing robust document approval workflows, it’s essential to consider several key components that ensure smooth operations and effective communication. In a comprehensive Nanonets document approval workflow, you would need the following components listed below. Once you have a rough design of your workflow in mind, you can start a new Nanonets Workflow and start connecting your apps using automated triggers and actions.

Document Submission and CollectionTools: Google Forms, JotForm, or Microsoft Forms for collecting information.Process: Secure and easy-to-access portals for document submission, ensuring consistent formatting and content.Assigning Approvers and RolesTools: Trello, Asana, or for task assignment.Process: Clearly define roles and responsibilities for each approver to ensure accountability and efficiency.Setting Permission LevelsTools: SharePoint or Google Drive for document storage.Process: Establish different levels of access to protect sensitive information and maintain document integrity.Establishing Due DatesTools: Asana, Trello, or Microsoft Project for tracking deadlines.Process: Set realistic deadlines to ensure timely approvals while allowing sufficient time for thorough review.Feedback and Revision TrackingTools: Google Docs or Microsoft Word for real-time collaboration.Process: Enable clear and trackable feedback mechanisms for efficient revisions and updates.Notifications and AlertsTools: Slack, Microsoft Teams, or email automation tools like Mailchimp.Process: Automated alerts to keep all stakeholders informed about document status and pending actions.Final Approval and Sign-offTools: DocuSign, Adobe Sign for digital signatures.Process: Secure and verifiable methods for final approval to ensure legal and procedural compliance.Reporting and AnalysisTools: Power BI, Tableau for data visualization and reporting.Process: Regular reports to monitor workflow efficiency and identify areas for improvement.

Create automated document approval workflows using Nanonets and reduce manual tasks.

Designing an Effective Document Approval Workflow

To create a streamlined document approval workflow, follow these steps, integrating the right tools to enhance efficiency and accuracy.

Drafting the DocumentTools: Google Docs, Microsoft Word.Process: Create documents using standardized templates to ensure consistency.Submitting for ReviewTools: Email platforms like Outlook, Gmail; project management tools like Asana or Trello.Process: Implement a system for submitting documents for review, ensuring that all necessary information is included.Reviewing the DocumentTools: Adobe Acrobat for PDFs, Microsoft Word for collaborative editing.Process: Reviewers provide feedback and suggestions for changes, using track changes and comment features for transparency.Incorporating FeedbackTools: Same as drafting tools.Process: Original authors make necessary changes based on the feedback, potentially undergoing multiple review cycles.Final ApprovalTools: DocuSign, Adobe Sign for e-signatures.Process: Final approvers review the document and sign off electronically, indicating official approval.Archiving and Record KeepingTools: Cloud storage solutions like Dropbox, Google Drive.Process: Store approved documents in a secure, organized manner for easy retrieval and compliance purposes.Monitoring and Evaluating the WorkflowTools: Workflow analysis tools like Zapier’s built-in analytics, Google Analytics.Process: Continuously monitor the workflow’s performance and make adjustments as needed to improve efficiency.

By carefully designing each step and integrating the appropriate tools, businesses can ensure a smooth, efficient, and transparent document approval process. This approach not only saves time and resources but also enhances overall operational effectiveness.

Conclusion: Revolutionizing Document Approval with Nanonets Workflows

In the realm of modern business operations, the efficiency and accuracy of document approval workflows are crucial. Nanonets Workflows emerges as a transformative solution, harnessing the power of workflow automation to streamline and enhance these processes. By integrating sophisticated AI and Large Language Models (LLMs), Nanonets not only simplifies workflow creation but also elevates the capability to manage intricate document-related tasks. This advancement is not just an upgrade; it’s a strategic revolution that reshapes how businesses handle document approval, ensuring compliance, and fostering seamless collaborations.

Automated Document Approval with Nanonets

In the realm of modern business operations, the efficiency and accuracy of document approval workflows are crucial. Nanonets Workflows emerges as a transformative solution, harnessing the power of workflow automation to streamline and enhance these processes.

Moreover, by integrating sophisticated AI and Large Language Models (LLMs), Nanonets not only simplifies workflow creation but also elevates the capability to manage intricate document-related tasks. This advancement is not just an upgrade; it’s a strategic revolution that reshapes how businesses handle document approval, ensuring compliance, and fostering seamless collaborations.

Contract Management in Legal DepartmentsDocument Submission: Legal teams submit contracts using Google Forms.Review Assignment: Trello automatically assigns contracts for review based on subject matter.Automated Review: Nanonets AI conducts an initial review, flagging potential issues using LLMs.Feedback and Revisions: Collaborative editing and feedback through Google Docs.Final Approval: Digital signatures via DocuSign for legal compliance.Archiving: Securely storing finalized contracts in SharePoint.Policy Development in Government AgenciesInitial Drafting: Policies are drafted using standardized templates in Microsoft Word.Stakeholder Consultation: Asana manages the consultation process, tracking feedback from various departments.Revision Incorporation: Authors update policies based on feedback, tracked in Microsoft Word.Approval and Publication: Final sign-off through Adobe Sign, followed by publication on the agency’s website.Financial Reporting in Corporate FinanceReport Generation: Reports are generated using Excel and shared via email.Data Verification: Nanonets AI cross-checks financial data against internal databases.Management Review: Senior management reviews and provides feedback using collaborative tools.Compliance Check: Automated checks for regulatory compliance using custom LLMs.Finalization: Reports are signed off electronically and stored in Google Drive for record-keeping.Research Proposal Approvals in Academic InstitutionsProposal Submission: Researchers submit proposals through JotForm.Peer Review Coordination: Automated coordination of peer reviews using Microsoft Project.Feedback Integration: Researchers revise proposals based on peer comments.Ethics Committee Approval: Proposals are routed to the ethics committee for final approval via DocuSign.Funding Allocation: Approved proposals are automatically linked to funding sources using custom Nanonets integrations.

Embark on your journey with Nanonets by scheduling a call with our AI experts. Receive a tailored demo and trial, designed specifically for your business needs. Our team will guide you through the setup process, ensuring that your transition to automated workflows is smooth and effective.

With Nanonets Workflows, empower your teams to focus on strategic tasks that matter. Say goodbye to manual drudgery and embrace a future where automation enhances every aspect of your document approval processes. Start now and experience the transformative power of Nanonets Workflows in your business.

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