
Interview scheduling is a key part of hiring but is often not given enough attention. How well it’s done really affects everyone involved. For people applying for jobs, it shows how well the company is organized and if they value people’s time. For those who are hiring, it’s about getting the timing right and being friendly, all while juggling many schedules. This is where workflow automation enters the scene. Nanonets Workflows lets you create automated workflows that perform tasks for you within your apps to streamline interview scheduling.

Traditional Interview Scheduling Process

The traditional interview scheduling process is quite challenging and often cumbersome. Here’s a look at how it typically works:

The process usually starts with HR or a recruiter identifying potential interview times, often based on the hiring manager’s availability. Then, they would reach out to candidates, usually via email or phone, to propose these times. Candidates would respond with their availability, which might not always match the proposed slots, leading to a back-and-forth exchange to find a mutually convenient time.

This manual coordination is time-consuming and prone to errors, such as overlooking time zone differences or accidentally double-booking slots. Moreover, last-minute cancellations or changes by either party add to the complexity, requiring the whole process to restart.

Overall, the traditional method is a balancing act of managing multiple schedules, ensuring clear communication, and dealing with the unpredictability of human availability, all while trying to create a positive experience for the candidate.

Thus, traditional interview scheduling is fraught with challenges that can turn this critical process into a logistical nightmare.

  • Conflicting Schedules: The most prominent challenge is aligning the availability of candidates and interviewers. This often leads to delays and rescheduling, disrupting the recruitment timeline.
  • Miscommunication: Misunderstandings about time zones, dates, or availability can lead to missed interviews or double bookings, reflecting poorly on the company’s organizational skills.
  • No-shows: Candidates or interviewers failing to attend scheduled interviews can cause significant delays and frustration, leading to a need for additional rounds of scheduling.
  • Inefficient Process Management: Traditional scheduling often relies on manual coordination, making it time-consuming and prone to human error.
  • Increased Administrative Burden: Recruiters and HR professionals often spend excessive time managing interview schedules, which could be better spent on other recruitment activities.
  • Lack of Flexibility: Traditional methods may not accommodate last-minute changes or emergencies, leading to further complications in the scheduling process.

These challenges don’t just cause frustration; they can have a tangible impact on the recruitment process and the candidate experience. In an era where a candidate’s journey is as critical as their credentials, inefficient scheduling can be a deterrent, driving away talented prospects. It can lead to prolonged hiring cycles, increased costs, and a tarnished employer brand. In short, the traditional methods of scheduling interviews, while familiar, are no longer sufficient in an increasingly dynamic and candidate-driven job market.

Automation Interview Scheduling

When it comes to automating the interview scheduling process, businesses have two primary options: using a workflow automation platform like Nanonets Workflows, or opting for dedicated interview scheduling software such as Calendly, GoodTime, or Paradox. Each of these approaches offers distinct advantages and suits different organizational needs. Workflow automation platforms are versatile and can integrate various tools to create a comprehensive scheduling system, while dedicated scheduling software focuses specifically on the nuances of interview scheduling with user-friendly features.

Using Workflow Automation Platforms like Nanonets Workflows


  1. Versatility: Platforms like Nanonets Workflows or Zapier offer flexibility to integrate various applications, allowing HR teams to create a custom workflow that fits their specific needs.
  2. Scalability: These platforms can handle a range of tasks beyond scheduling, such as sending automatic emails, updating databases, and more, making them scalable as the company grows.
  3. Customization: Users have the freedom to build workflows that match their exact process requirements, offering a high degree of customization.


  1. Complexity in Setup: Setting up these workflows can be complex, especially for those without technical expertise, as it requires understanding how different applications interact.
  2. Dependence on Multiple Tools: The efficiency of these platforms depends on the seamless integration of different tools, which can be a challenge if one of the tools fails or updates its API.
  3. Costs Can Add Up: While individually inexpensive, using multiple tools in tandem can increase overall costs.

Using Dedicated Interview Scheduling Software like Calendly, GoodTime, or Paradox


  1. Ease of Use: These tools are specifically designed for scheduling and are usually more user-friendly with a shorter learning curve.
  2. Streamlined Functionality: They offer features like automatic time zone detection, calendar sync, and rescheduling options, which are tailored for scheduling purposes.
  3. Reliability: Being dedicated to scheduling, these tools are often more reliable in handling common scheduling challenges.


  1. Limited Scope: Such tools are primarily focused on scheduling and may lack broader workflow integration capabilities.
  2. Less Flexibility: There’s often less room for customization compared to a platform like Nanonets Workflows or Zapier.
  3. Potential for Isolation from Other HR Processes: These tools might not integrate as seamlessly with other HR systems, potentially creating information silos.

The choice between using a workflow automation platform like Nanonets Workflows and a dedicated interview scheduling software like Calendly, GoodTime, or Paradox depends on the specific needs of the HR team. If the requirement is for a highly customizable system that integrates deeply with other HR processes, Nanonets Workflows might be more suitable. However, for those looking for a straightforward, reliable scheduling solution with less setup complexity, dedicated scheduling software could be the better choice. The decision should align with the company’s overall HR strategy, technical capabilities, and the desired candidate experience.

Interview Scheduling with Nanonets Workflows

Welcome to Nanonets Workflow Automation, where AI-driven technology empowers you and your team to automate manual tasks and construct efficient workflows in minutes. Utilize natural language to effortlessly create and manage workflows that seamlessly integrate with all your documents, apps, and databases.

Our platform offers not only seamless app integrations for unified workflows but also the ability to build and utilize custom Large Language Models Apps for sophisticated text writing and response posting within your apps. All the while ensuring data security remains our top priority, with strict adherence to GDPR, SOC 2, and HIPAA compliance standards​.

To better understand the practical applications of Nanonets workflow automation, let’s delve into some real-world examples.

We will now explore a series of Nanonets Workflows that collectively create a logical, automated interview scheduling system.

Workflow 1: Receiving Application to Scheduling Interview

  • Trigger: A new candidate application is received via an online form (e.g., Google Forms).
  • Action 1: The application details are added to a tracking spreadsheet (e.g., Google Sheets) for record-keeping.
  • Action 2: An email is automatically sent to the candidate using an email service (e.g., Gmail), thanking them for their application and informing them about the scheduling process.
  • Associated Apps: Google Forms, Google Sheets, Gmail.

Workflow 2: Candidate Self-Scheduling

  • Trigger: The candidate clicks a scheduling link in the email.
  • Action 1: The candidate is directed to a scheduling tool (e.g., Calendly) where they can choose a suitable interview time based on the availability set by the HR team.
  • Action 2: Once a time is selected, the details are added to a company calendar (e.g., Google Calendar).
  • Associated Apps: Gmail, Calendly, Google Calendar.

Workflow 3: Interview Confirmation and Reminder

  • Trigger: An interview time is confirmed in the company calendar.
  • Action 1: A confirmation email is sent to the candidate with the interview details, including date, time, and format (e.g., Zoom link for virtual interviews).
  • Action 2: A reminder email is scheduled to be sent to the candidate one day before the interview.
  • Associated Apps: Google Calendar, Gmail, Zoom (for virtual interviews).

Workflow 4: Post-Interview Feedback Collection

  • Trigger: An interview is marked as completed in the company calendar.
  • Action 1: A feedback form (e.g., Google Forms) is sent to both the interviewer and the candidate to gather post-interview feedback.
  • Action 2: The collected feedback is automatically stored in a dedicated HR management tool (e.g., BambooHR) for evaluation.
  • Associated Apps: Google Calendar, Google Forms, BambooHR.

Workflow 5: Finalizing the Hiring Decision

  • Trigger: Feedback is submitted and stored in the HR management tool.
  • Action 1: An internal notification is sent to the HR team (e.g., via Slack) to review the feedback and make a decision.
  • Action 2: Based on the decision, appropriate follow-up emails are sent to the candidate – either an offer letter or a polite rejection.
  • Associated Apps: BambooHR, Slack, Gmail.

By leveraging the power of Nanonets Workflows, teams can significantly reduce the time and effort spent on interview scheduling. This automated system not only improves efficiency but also enhances the experience, ensuring a smoother, more organized scheduling process.

Best Third Party Interview Scheduling Apps

Alternatively, you can use third party interview scheduling apps that automate the processes for you.

The best interview scheduling software options in 2023 offer a range of unique features and capabilities, catering to diverse business needs. Here’s a detailed comparison of five such software, highlighting their unique selling points (USPs) and distinguishing features:

  1. VidCruiter
    • USPs: Offers robust video interviewing capabilities, both pre-recorded and live, with advanced automation. Browser-based, accessible in eight languages, supports job seekers in dozens more, and offers 24/7 live agent support.
    • Additional Features: Configurable workflows for auto-booking, knowledgeable customer support, and integration with major calendars and Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication.
    • Missing Features: Lacks a free trial or plan, not the cheapest option, and the implementation phase can be time-consuming due to its feature-rich and customizable nature.
  2. Paradox
    • USPs: Uses AI assistant Olivia for scheduling, available in over 30 languages for users and over 100 for candidates. Efficient implementation with dedicated support and real-time manual override options for chat automation.
    • Additional Features: Unlimited interview scheduling, automated rescheduling, and efficient customer service accessible via phone.
    • Missing Features: Custom workflows execution may be slow, lacks transparent pricing, limited analytics capabilities, and the AI assistant cannot fully replace human nuance in conversations.
  3. GoodTime
    • USPs: Offers SMS, WhatsApp, and email interview scheduling, with a high-volume hiring product for scalability. Mobile-optimized platform with a Chrome extension for ease of communication.
    • Additional Features: Customizable workflow automation, pre-built screening questionnaires, 24/7 chat support, and multiple integration options.
    • Missing Features: No free plan or trial, focuses solely on scheduling without other recruiting capabilities, lengthy implementation process for complex workflows, and occasional bugs related to calendar and ATS syncing.
  4. HireVue
    • USPs: Supports candidate-driven availability selection and rescheduling, offering 24/7 customer support in over 20 languages. Packages can be customized to suit business needs.
    • Additional Features: Solutions for video interviewing, assessments, conversational AI, and text recruiting all in one place, making it a robust platform for larger enterprises.
    • Missing Features: No WhatsApp invitations, no free plan or trial, caters to larger organizations (2500+ employees), and limited integration partners.
  5. Calendly
    • USPs: Simplifies interview scheduling through self-service, allowing candidates to book, reschedule, or cancel meetings easily. Seamlessly integrates with popular calendar and email tools.
    • Additional Features: User-friendly interface, reduction in back-and-forth emails, and ability to set custom rules for availability and meeting durations.
    • Missing Features: Customization options beyond branding and color choices are limited, the mobile version is less functional than the desktop version, and the free plan allows only one type of time slot to be booked.

Each of these software options provides unique features and benefits, tailored to different organizational needs, from small businesses to large enterprises. It’s essential to consider these aspects when choosing the most suitable interview scheduling software for your organization.

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