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The Floyd-Warshall algorithm is essential in graph theory as it provides an efficient means to compute the shortest paths between all pairs of nodes in a graph. This classic dynamic programming algorithm is widely applicable beyond its traditional use in theoretical network analysis. It works by reading in a matrix that describes which pairs of nodes are connected by a single edge, and outputting the minimal number of edges connecting every possible pair of nodes:

A set of nodes (red) linked by edges (light green lines) and then 2 examples of the distances (numbers of links between pairs of nodes, in dark green with dashed lines) calculated by the Floyd-Warshall algorithm. The direct links are encoded in a matrix called the “adjency matrix” whose elements are 1 (nodes linked) or 0 (not linked). The output from the algorithm if a matrix of equal size but containing the distances between all nodes as the minimal numbers of edges separating any two of them. This and all other figures were produced by the author.

This is precious information about connectivity within the graph, that finds tons of applications; for example in optimizing communication networks, analyzing contacts in social networks, or, as I will cover here, in parsing molecular structures — at the core of many tasks in cheminformatics and structural bioinformatics.

In this post I will show you how the Floyd-Warshall algorithm can be employed to compute bond distances between atoms in a molecule, or said in a different way, the minimal number of bonds separating every possible pair of atoms. Hopefully, my example will not only showcase the algorithm’s application in chemistry but also inspire you to use it for other applications in…


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